

Every parent would like to have a child whose personality shines wherever the child goes. It is the personality that is appreciated everywhere. Such pleasing personality is the main aim of FPS education.

Personality is the set of individual differences that are affected by the development of an individual values, attitudes, personal memories, social relationships, habits and skills.

The birth of every child represents a big challenge to all who are responsible for his or her care and education. Thus connect and communicate with them continuously. Talking to children, showing them objects and people, holding them, touching them with kindness are all forms of communication affectively mediated the functional development of the brain.

Ideally, the school role is to bring each student to her individual , maximum academic potential. Now a days it’s not enough to teach the ABC’s and 123s and call it a day. A significant amount of schoolwork throughout the grades is dedicated to helping children become expert problem solvers and solution-seekers. Skills that will come handy in just about every personal and professional aspect of a child’s adult life. Problem solving means the ability to analyze a situation, propose a solution and , see if solution not work, he or she should be able to re-strategize to try again. The problem –solving mentally encourages kids to keep trying and it sounds like a challenge for them.

As a educationist we give child a multitude of opportunities to develop their personalities. We create problems in the forms of assessments, field trips, extra-curricular participation, social work etc. , so that their overall personalities can be developed when he/she changes to an adult person.

But , its not a duty alone of a school in changing the overall personality of a child; parents also has to take initiative at home . A child is with us for 5 to 6 hours but he or she stays with them for 18-19 hours. So, as a co-ordinator and an educationist I request all the people of the society to contribute your part completely in the development of a child who will be the future responsible citizen.
